Business Overhead Expense

As a business owner with a company to run, you know how difficult it is to get away.
What happens if you become disabled?
Could your business stay open while you were gone?
Would the business be able to continue paying the bills if you were not working?

You can help protect your business should you become too sick or hurt to work.

Plan Features
  • Keeps your business running while you recover from a disabling injury or illness;
  • Helps you have a financially sound business to sell, should you need to do so;
  • Pays the bills associated with running your business—so you do not need to dip into assets;
  • Insures up to 100 percent of your covered business expenses;
  • Ensures premiums you pay for coverage are tax deductible;
  • Offers coverage for both total and residual/partial disabilities;
  • Can mean the difference between staying open and closing your doors;
  • Maintains goodwill with customers, vendors and creditors; and
  • Helps retain business value.
For questions or more information call or email one of the representatives below.
Danna Blackburn
Senior Sales Executive
(614) 572-0616