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Supreme Court Addresses Website Offer Of “FREE Consultation”
Post on January 4th, 2013
The Ohio Supreme Court recently issued a public reprimand to two lawyers who had advertised on their website for a “free consultation” without disclosing that they would begin billing for that initial meeting once the prospective client had signed a fee agreement. (See Cincinnati Bar Association v. Mezher, Ohio, No 2012-0684, 12/3/12).
Learn what you can and can’t do with your website at the loss prevention seminar OBLIC will co-sponsor with the OSBA Solo, Small Firm & General Practice Section and the OSBA Young Lawyer’s Section during the OSBA Annual Convention on May 9, 2013 in Cleveland. Mark your calendar now and save the date! You won’t want to miss this all-day seminar on “How to Catch and Keep Clients.”