This is a sample letter of representation that you may utilize within your practice or however you may deem necessary.
Sample Letter of Representation
Dear Client:
After reviewing the information you presented to us, as we have discussed, we will represent you concerning [full description of legal services to be provided].
Any other matter for which you wish us to represent you must be given separate consideration and a separate decision as to whether or not we will represent you.
We will bill you monthly for our time and disbursements. Our hourly rate is $________________ for our most experienced partners, and $ for associates. Disbursements will include long distance telephone calls, delivery charges, copying costs, LEXIS charges filing fee, expert witness fees, deposition costs, and travel expenses (if any). Payment is due upon receipt of our statements. [If billing will not be monthly, specify payment arrangements.]
If you have any questions, please give me a call. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Sincerely yours,