OBLIC news, events and updates.

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Law Firm Exposure to Cyber Breach Threats
Posted on June 9th, 2014

What All Attorneys Should Consider in an Ever-Changing World By Steve Couch With hackers executing sophisticated data breaches on companies both big and small, the need to protect your firm from the dangers of cybercrime is at an all-time high. Is your practice protected? The words “cyber,” “cyber breach,” “data breach” or “cyber terrorism” should […]

OBLIC Is Vastly Expanding the Coverage It Provides
Posted on March 27th, 2014

For the first time in many years, OBLIC is vastly expanding the coverage it provides to its policyholders.  Beginning in May 2014, OBLIC will add to all of its in-force policies, FREE OF CHARGE, cyber-breach insurance coverage.  Stay tuned for this exciting benefit, just another in the long list of reasons why OBLIC is the […]

Loss Prevention and Ethics Hotline
Posted on March 27th, 2014

OBLIC is pleased to announce the launch of its Loss Prevention and Ethics Hotline.  As a policyholder, you can call OBLIC at 1-800-227-4111 and receive free loss prevention tips and recommendations.  Additionally, if your needs require special expertise in ethics, OBLIC has partnered with former Ohio Disciplinary Counsel Jonathan Coughlin to provide to OBLIC policyholders […]

Our On-line Application: an Easier Way to Apply for Insurance
Posted on March 27th, 2014

OBLIC is pleased to announce an easier way to apply for insurance, either as new business or at renewal – our new E-App. This on-line application will allow you to complete the entire application process over the internet, including any required supplements, thereby shortening the time between application and policy issuance. For new business, just […]

OSBA CONVENTION CLE: Scenarios for Success
Posted on March 10th, 2014

Ohio Bar Liability Insurance Company (OBLIC) and OSBA Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Section will co-sponsor TWO full days of CLE sessions during the 2014 Ohio State Bar Association Annual Convention at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Columbus. The OSBA Senior Lawyers Section is also joining in sponsoring these sessions. Thursday, designated as Young […]

Update on Cyber Liability Issues
Posted on February 15th, 2014

In the last issue of MALPRACTICE ALERT! we informed of potential issues arising from cyber liability. A quick review of recent news articles reveals that hackers have compromised yet another major retailer’s data. In response to this ever increasing risk, OBLIC has decided to offer cyber breach insurance coverage to its policyholders. Stay tuned for […]

Thank You! to those who have made a difference for us.
Posted on January 31st, 2014

As we move from the holiday season to a new year, we often reassess the past year and implement plans for the future. It’s a good time to remember to say “thank you” to those who have made a difference for us. Although it’s appropriate anytime, it’s especially nice now to put a note of […]

Welcome to Our New Website
Posted on December 26th, 2013

We’ve recently just launched our brand new website, full of new graphics and tons of new functionality. With our new site, we now offer a new amenity for all of our policyholders: our new Resources section! This new area is available to all visitors, but access to specific resource articles and presentations is only available […]

Grace Under Pressure: Dealing with Difficult Clients, Attorneys and Judges
Posted on November 1st, 2013

OBLIC Director of Loss Prevention Gretchen Mote planned a unique seminar offering ethics and professionalism CLE credit. This CLE self-study presented by OBLIC in partnership with the Ohio State Bar Association, will be available on-line through OSBA CLE beginning December 1, 2013. Grace Under Pressure: Dealing with Difficult Clients, Attorneys and Judges will address ethics […]

Event Review: OBLIC Presented Fall Seminar at Dayton Bar
Posted on October 12th, 2013

Ethical Traps and Malpractice Issues for Attorneys was the title of a well-received seminar presented by OBLIC Director of Loss Prevention Gretchen Mote on October 9, 2013 at the Dayton Bar Association. This three hour seminar discussed ethical traps attorneys can avoid and addressed malpractice issues to consider in reviewing lawyers professional liability insurance coverage […]